Camp Job Descriptions

Hiring Camp Counselors, Nurses & More

Each year, we look for competent and energetic young adults to fill our staff positions. YOU are the key to success at Camp Young Judaea! Training is provided at the start of the summer season and is ongoing throughout the summer. We seek to ensure that staff members have as great a time as our campers.

If one (or more!) of these descriptions would be a perfect fit for you, apply today! If you have questions or want to discuss which role would be best for you, contact us at any time.

Bunk Staff

Madrichim (Counselors) live in bunks with our campers and have the most direct influence on their summer experiences. Involved in every aspect of camp life, counselors provide the best that camp has to offer for their campers. Most importantly, counselors serve as responsible, mature role models in a Jewish, Israel-loving environment!

In-Bunk Specialists provide the bulk of the programming and activities that campers participate in during every day of their camp experience. Specialists work to keep the camp going and offer campers the chance to develop new skills and talents. Specialists include Archery, Arts and Crafts, Israeli Dancing, Lifeguards, Programming, PR/Marketing, Ropes Course, Sports, Video, and more.

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Supervisory Staff

Merakzim (Unit Heads) supervise the counselors in each aidah (unit) and take charge of the well-being of the campers and counselors alike. They are people with camp and supervisory experience who hold the aidah together and also take charge of the educational program for their own aidah for the summer.

Specialty Area Heads have more responsibility than a typical specialist – they’re also expected to coordinate those who work in their area, fill in when another staff isn’t available at their activity of choice, and keep track of supplies and activity needs. Some Head Specialists include the Arts and Crafts Director, Ropes Course Director, Sports Director, Waterfront Director, and more.

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Program Coordinator is a special supervisory role in charge of all major camp events. This person should have impressive programming skills and be familiar with CYJ culture.

Israel Education Director is responsible for all Israel-related programming in camp. They work with our counselors to implement each aidah’s (unit’s) educational curriculum and with our Israeli staff to put on Israel Day for all of camp. This person will also lead educational initiatives for our staff to enrich their experience as well.

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Health and Wellness Staff

Camp Nurse is responsible for overseeing all of our medical facilities and needs (which makes them very important!) Must be licensed as a physician, registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse.

Medical Assistants are our nurses’ right-hand people, keeping all the functions and files of the medical facility running smoothly. Candidates should have some kind of medical office experience.

Camper Care is an important role for the entire family! The team addresses camper needs as an understanding adult figure and is our parent/family liaison during the summer.

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Office Staff

These important individuals run our summer office. They interact with the outside world on a day to day basis, distribute mail, send out important parent communications, and so much more.

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