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After waking up and raising flags, with our tummies full and prayers completed, it’s finally time to start our CYJ morning! The first half of our schedule is tailored to the campers’ personal interests, where they enjoy three electives of their choice. Here’s a list of some of our classic choices.

  • Archery
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Baking
  • Basketball
  • Ceramics
  • Chess
  • Cooking
  • Dance
  • Fun at the lake
  • Gardening
  • Golf
  • Improv
  • Jam Band
  • Jr. Lifeguards
  • Model Making
  • Mountain Biking
  • CYJ NewsTube
  • Ropes Course
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Water Sports Yoga
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On the first day of camp, campers get to decide how they want to spend their mornings from a list of electives we provide. Campers begin the session with three of their picks and have the opportunity to switch to new electives each week.

The electives empower kids to steer their own summer and to focus on what they love most about camp. Given the facilities and the time they need, campers can really dive into their passions and sharpen their skills, all the while connecting to kids who share their same interests.

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On the complete flip side, instead of choosing activities they’re already familiar with, a camper could use the chuggim period to try things they know nothing about. The chuggim period is a camper’s best chance to explore a pastime in depth, and really get acquainted with something new.

We love both these approaches! It’s a beautiful thing when campers use chuggim to fall deeper in love with their passions. Likewise, it’s amazing to watch kids take a chance, sometimes even discovering a talent and enthusiasm they never knew. At the end of the day, it’s their summer, and making these picks is what chuggim are all about.