Technology Policy
We do not allow campers to bring ANY electronics to Camp except a digital camera or non-internet iPod. Camp is a time when campers and staff have a chance to unplug. Not only does this prevent valuable electronics from being misplaced, but it also creates a genuine camp experience and allows campers to live “in the moment”. While our staff is allowed to have electronics, they are allowed to use them only during their personal time and not in front of campers. The easiest rule of thumb: if it connects to wifi, it’s not good for camp!
For campers who travel with electronics to and from Camp, counselors will bring the campers to the office on Opening Day with their electronics and any other valuables (e.g., travel documents, money) and have them lock the items in the safe. All valuables will stay in the safe until Closing Day. Campers are not allowed to keep electronics in the cabins or in the cabin safes.