Special Days & Events

As exciting as our daily schedule might be, it’s nice every once in a while to spice things up with special days and events. Below is a list of some of our unique programs throughout the summer.


Four teams. One victor. One EPIC day! Get ready for CYJ’s all-out color war—Maccabiah! A thrilling celebration of challenge and competition, Maccabiah is always one of our most memorable programs of the season. Campers of all ages are divided into four teams, spending their day contending for the gold in trials of every kind. On game tables and sports fields, in trivia and dexterity, in our Judaean Relay, our singing and dancing… even MEALS factor into this sensational CYJ tournament!

Don’t miss the sportsmanship, teamwork, talent, and grit in the summer’s ultimate face-off!


This evening program is a carnival planned by the Segel campers. They get to choose the theme, what booths will be included, decorate the dining hall, and put on a show for the camp community. With a professional budget and great imagination, these nights show just how fun our Segel campers can be!


Our themed dinners are special dinners at camp where we choose a fun theme to decorate the dining room. Our campers and counselors come to dinner in outfits that go along with the theme. With special meals and music the energy and atmosphere of these meals are like no other.

In past years we’ve had an 80’s night, a sports jersey night, and a pirate night! Each summer we introduce different themes so look out for this summers packing list so your camper can start planing out their costume!


This day is planned by our amazing Mishlachat (group of Israeli counselors)! They bring Israel to camp by sharing their favorite food, games, music, and more from Israel! After weeks of forming bonds with their Israeli counselors our campers love getting to learn a little bit more about their home and culture!


Some aidot (age groups) will go on a day trip out of camp. Every year there will be new and exciting trips for campers depending on their age, including outings to local water parks, caverns, arcades, and more!


At the end of every session, Camp gathers for our unrivaled end-of-session banquet. To wrap up their summer together, the Dining Hall is transformed to reflect fun themes, such as Super Mario World, Mama Mia, Disney, etc. Alongside a delicious meal and wild entertainment, this is when staff will distribute the sessions’ Mensch Awards, our special recognition to one camper in every aidah (age group) who demonstrated exceptional character. When the dinner ends, the fun really starts with an all-camp dance!