Closing Day

On closing day, parents have the option to pick up at camp or have their kid ride the bus home. Buses will drop off in Austin, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio; for specific times and locations please refer to the travel document in your CampInTouch account. There is a $75 transportation fee for campers to take the bus home. Taking the bus home saves parents from taking the day off of work for pickup. For campers flying home, we will provide transportation to the San Antonio and Austin airports. At camp, our staff will ensure that campers have all of their belongings loaded on the bus. We will have staff on the bus with the kids, and we will pack snacks, drinks, and movies to keep everyone happy for the ride home.

*With the exception of our Nitzanim and Mini Mensch campers, who will be picked up when their program ends mid-session. Find the dates of your child’s introductory camp program on our Dates & Rates page.

We will email parents when the buses leave camp and offer approximate arrival times.

See what Opening Day is like

Opening Day