Apr 25, 2024
Hello All! Normally, you’d see a “Fresh From Frank” here, but this month, we decided to shake it up a bit. In case I have not had the chance to meet you, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Mac Lindner, and have been the Camp Director at CYJ-Texas since March 2022. Don’t worry, Frank is still here as our Executive Director and will be back in future editions of the Lion’s Roar.
In the last two years, I have learned a lot about our community. We are vibrant, caring, active, diverse, and so much more. We are also strong, resilient, confident, and proud.
Passover is meant to be a time of re-identification as Jews, as a cohesive Jewish community, and as free people. With nearly 200 people at Passover Camp right now, I am reaffirmed in everything I know, and that you know too, about Passover and the CYJ community.
Kids are off trying new things and building new skills - some are even taking circus classes! Others are playing football or swimming in the pool, all while engulfed in a Jewish setting. Parents are playing pickleball, some are honing their inner child at circus classes, and some are deep in a conversation about the war in Israel. Just like Jews have done for millennia, we are balancing the tough reality with reminders of why being Jewish is so great.
This is CYJ. We hold true to our values, show up when called, and continually create moments of joy. We continue to hope and pray for the return of all hostages and a return to safety for the State of Israel and Jews around the world. We do this while we continue to live happy, proud, Jewish lives. Am Yisrael Chai